Our first few nights in O’ahu were spent at
The Lotus at Diamond Head, a hotel that we’d found on
Jetsetter at a great rate.
The hotel turned out to be as great as the rate, with added bonuses of free morning coffee, free wine happy hours, free bikes (we didn’t use them) and. . .free yoga classes in
Kapi’olani Park.
The tag line of our blog is, “Travel tales and tips to inform and inspire” so I decided that since I’d never taken a yoga class I would do so; write about it and inspire others to stretch (literally and figuratively) while traveling.
After all, I exercise regularly, so yoga couldn’t be that difficult, right?
I started having misgivings when Courtney, a young, slim, happy woman introduced herself as our instructor. She's pictured above in the Lotus pose. There were five of us: two very tall men, and two women about my size.
The setting was incredible, the grass still covered with dew as we spread our mats to face Diamond Head. And the first few stretches were easy. . .
I remember Courtney, saying something about being one with our bodies and then one with the universe. At one point we extended our fingers in a prayer like motion and were to give thanks to whatever or whoever we wanted to thank, again I think I was supposed to be thinking universal thoughts but 30 minutes into this class, I was giving thanks for still standing upright!
I lifted with the left and grabbed with the right while facing one way but turning the opposite direction. Remember the old game, Twister? Not quite as easy as I had thought. . .in fact, downright difficult.
But then the sun peaked around Diamond Head, and three birds sat on a branch above us cackling as they watched the crazy humans below.
And then we were doing the final stretch. . .class ended. I had made it!
For two days afterward I couldn’t bend over to pick anything off the floor and bringing my coffee cup from the table to mouth hurt muscles, I didn’t know existed.

Yes, I had been one with my body, Hawaii and the universe. I did stretch. I’d do it again (but at
Marriott Ko Olina those same classes are $27 so forget that! I’ll wait until I get home. . .or back to
The Lotus.)
Inspired? Let me know what you’ve done thanks to travel that you wouldn’t have otherwise done.
NOTE: Joel and Jackie are unable to access their regular email and Microsoft MSN is not cooperating in solving the problem. If you need to reach us in the near future please write to: travelnwrite@msn.com
I’ve also been unable to respond to comments on the blog (the Hawaiian techno gods are against me) so thanks for the TP Thursday comments.
Traci, I am not sure which ship Sue will be on, if she lets me know I’ll post it, otherwise you might write celebrity cruise lines and ask.