Thursday, December 11, 2014

Chasing Daydreams – and then. . .

Egad, we are back chasing the daydream.

You know, it’s the one we were after last spring and summer in Greece. The one that got away.

Roadside trees middle of Nevada - 2014
We were thankful for so many of you who followed the adventure here and offered words of encouragement and support as the purchase of ‘the stone house on the hill’ fell through because its owners found they didn’t have the documentation to sell it.

We’d had a good trip and an interesting experience. We’d moved on. . .or so we thought. . .

Last week when I wrote about “Opportunity rocking the boat” I didn’t quite tell the entire story as not only did that inbox of ours last month hold tempting alternate cruise offers, but it brought news that the owners of that ‘stone house’ were now in a position to sell it and they wondered if we were still interested.

Arizona Road Trip 2014
We were in Arizona at the time, enjoying the carefree life of timeshare ownership.  We focused on changing our cruise plans; we corresponded with Greece at first in general terms, and then those generalized discussions with Greece became more focused:  opportunity was again knocking at the door, the daydream had looped back again and was tempting.

We’d  looked at other properties, lots, homes, unfinished structures. We considered building. We considered forgetting the whole thing. We thought of our ages. We thought of the work needed to make this house ‘pop’. We thought of many things. . .

San Diego Sunset

Greece was set aside somewhat as we went to San Diego where I was attending a conference, but The Scout continued and stepped up the email conversation.

Then he found a reasonable airfare to Athens. . .

Outside La Jolla - San Diego

We arrived in Greece last night, those dream catchers in hand.  Unlike my rather naive writings of last summer, I am not going to say we will capture the dream of that ‘stone house on the hill’.  That remains to be seen. But, one thing is for sure, it will likely be an adventure.  We do hope you’ll come along with us for the next few weeks as we report on chasing the daydream – again.

We’ll be at the mercy of Greece internet access – which is somewhat limited in the Mani -- we do know the new house has none.  Our presence in the blogosphere, Facebook and Twitter might be a wee bit disjointed but I’ll report back as technology allows.

Photos in this post are from Arizona and San Diego.

Linking this week:
Budget Travelers Sandbox – Travel Photo Thursday


  1. I'll be watching and waiting to see what happens next! BPR feels that the fact that it is a stone house is a good omen.

  2. All my fingers crossed. You are living my dream.

  3. Wishing you the best! What a wonderful dream!

  4. Sending you the best of luck! I'm nervous for you both that this time things don't go sideways. I would love to see your dream come true, Jackie and Joel! :)

  5. Hi Jackie...I so hope it will be second time lucky!

  6. Crossing fingers tightly for you!

  7. Hoping your dreams come true in Greece. Best of luck!

  8. How wonderful! I'm wishing you the very best, too! Happy holidays, Diane

  9. Ohhh! I'm SO thrilled that your treasured adventure is continuing!!! Cheering for you and looking forward to hearing all about it. :-) XO

  10. Hi Jackie,

    I had commented on this post, and came back to see if you had replied to comments here, as I am visiting your current post today, and am disappointed to see that my original comment is not here!:(( Hmm...maybe it's in your spam? Anyway, you know that I was thrilled and very excited for you and the Skipper, (as we had 'talked' earlier).


  11. What??!! How exciting! I am completely behind with my blog reading. Looking at the titles of your more recent posts, I'm thinking your dream did not evade you this time. I'm going to race through the rest to see what happens. It's a Travel n Write marathon for me this evening.


We have been having problems in recent weeks with our comment section and I am not quite sure how to fix it. Thanks for letting us know. Some comments have been coming in as emails, so I will respond to those as I get them.


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