
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wet and Wild in Hawaii

That would be the weather to which this title refers, not Hula Babe and Beach Boy.

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Our time here began 10 days ago in a picture-postcard setting; the type for which Hawaii is known. . .

. . . Mai Tai weather . . . . with tropical breezes, blue sky and plenty of sun.  These shots were taken during an outing we took along the coast to Ka’ena Beach Park at the tip of the western side of O’ahu.

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Within a couple days of our arrival came the first ‘weather front’ – a storm strong enough to close the beaches on the island because of the dangerous high waves. A tourist was killed while golfing when a tree branch was blown down. A half dozen homes lost their roofs.

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That tropical sunshine went into hiding behind heavy dark clouds; being fickle and peeking out  for a brief ‘sunset’ one day. So this week’s photos show you O’ahu when it isn’t postcard perfect – on the other hand, when it sure is interesting:
PicMonkey Collage

Our second outing was a Sunday drive under gray skies –  the kind of skies we  have in the Pacific Northwest . We passed Aloha Stadium an hour before kickoff for the Pro Bowl – I snapped the photo above between swipes of the windshield wipers. 

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Those gentle Hawaiian tropical breezes have gusted throughout the week, sending sand and leaves flying. Grounds crews at Ko Olina, where we are,  have been kept busy cleaning up fallen leaves and blowing sand that has covered the grassy areas.
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And the sea gods really threw a hissy fit this past week, tossing enormous waves at the shore– some the largest they’ve seen in 20 - 30 years.

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These photos were taken on the day after ‘the front’s’ arrival – yet the waves still pounded the shore with a deafening rhythm.

PicMonkey Collage

We are reminded that while you can control many things about travel, Mother Nature still calls the shots on the weather. The photo on the left was taken a week ago, the photo on the right this Tuesday. Admittedly we aren’t suffering freezing temperatures like the mid-western United States nor fighting snow in Atlanta, but we are having a rather unusual, wet and wild time in Hawaii.

Gotta run. . .the sun’s finally out and the surf is finally down. . .just sprinkles and some wind. Time to get some rays. . .Hope you’ll return here soon. . .

Linking up this week:

Travel Photo Thursday at Budget Travelers Sandbox
Travel Photo Discovery on Monday


  1. It's so frustrating when you go somewhere for a holiday and the weather doesn't cooperate! Despite this, the sunset looks fabulous and the wild seas make for a great pic! Enjoy the sun when it reappears!

    1. We really can't complain as it was amazingly interesting to watch this 'front' pass over the island. Thanks for stopping by Jenny!

  2. That is some wild weather you're having in Hawaii, Jackie. It seems to be all over so enjoy the sun while you can. So sad to hear about the death of the golfer and the lost roofs.

    1. I guess the good news here is that the city, state and homeowner associations went to work sandbagging many beaches to keep the storm from destroying beach homes. Thanks for your visit, Marcia!

  3. It's also snowing on our mountains Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, finally sunny the they look amazing!

  4. Oh my gosh, Jackie, your header picture could and should be a postcard! The foul weather you ran into reminds me of my stay at Turtle Beach on the North Shore many years ago in the month of January. A horrible storm came in just like that and it was absolutely "freezing" cold and rainy the entire time. Like one of those cold San Francisco summer days (circa Mark Twain). I'm glad you remained cup half full though in that it could be worse compared to those folks in the South. Good post as always, our friend :)

    1. Once you've experienced it, you remember it don't you Mike? Thanks much - as always, my friends and a pat to your furry sidekick!

  5. Wow. I hope you experience some more of the picture perfect weather before you leave Hawaii.

    1. One of those post-card perfect days today but more rain is headed our way this weekend! Yikes. Wierd weather everywhere I guess.

  6. Great wave shots - and love the title. :)

    1. Glad you liked the title, Jan. Thanks much for stopping by today!

  7. Wow! Such striking differences in weather. Those waves and that wind looks so fierce and scary. I'm glad you're safe. xo

    1. It is amazing the difference a day can make here. Today I got sunburned it was so warm, no wind and no rain. However, the storm is expected to hit again tomorrow or by Saturday at the latest. Yikes. Thanks for your visit. xo

  8. Rain is my enemy on the islands :) It's also hard to have a contingency plan compared to other places with great museums and other indoor activities. It's too bad you got some bad weather but I'm hoping you get some sunshine here and there before you leave. Love the sunny pictures, though.

    1. We had hopes for sun for a day and a half. Back to drenching rain this morning. Several have said that it is the 'most unusual weather' for this time of year -- and we are on the driest side of the island! Thanks for your visit!

  9. Hi Jackie! (opps...Hula Babe!)...It's interesting to see the other side of the Hawaii. Those waves look lethal. Good to hear that you are now back to sunnier times. Enjoy!

  10. Glad the weather is taking a turn for the better - hopefully. I had no idea about the extent of the front there. The waves are amazing. Great shots. We've seen some huge ones in Half Moon Bay -- and people actually surf them (although I haven't seen that in person).

  11. Those are some great shots of the waves crashing down and the palm trees being whipped by the wind. It's definitely not my idea of paradise, but it sure does make for an interesting time. I hope you're blessed with perfect Mai Tai weather for the rest of your visit.

  12. Hawaii looks a lot like my beloved Puerto Rico :)

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