I’ve got a couple health- and fitness-related travel topics this week so without further fanfare, let’s get started:
The ‘Eyes’ Have It. . .

This one is for all you contact lens wearing travelers of a ‘certain age’ (40 is usually when the telltale signs start appearing): the small print seems to be getting smaller and a bit more blurred each time you try to read your passport or credit card numbers and trying to read the small print on a map is more daunting than getting lost. . .could it be time

for those 'readers' on sale everywhere from grocery to book stores?
One more thing to add to that carry-on bag already is stuffed with documents, medicines, prescription glasses, contact lens case/solution and sunglasses?
I’ve worn gas permeable contact lenses for decades and in the last couple years even the ‘bi-focal’ types weren’t quite doing the job. . .that is until my optometrist asked me if I’d try out a different type of lens. Another patient of hers, a flight attendant, had tried them and was singing their praises, so I agreed.
That was nearly a year ago. I waited this long to write about them just to make sure they weren't too good to be true. I couldn’t believe the improved visual acuity - and comfort. (Their only drawback is that like all gas permeable/hard lenses I've worn, they do tend to dry out on long airplane flights.) The smallest of print (including those microscopic numbers on the back corner of the credit cards) are as easy to read as is seeing the far distant stuff. In fact, both of my distances are now a smidgen better than 20/20 -- a real plus when focusing the camera!

It took a few extra visits to get the fit right because the lenses are weighted to keep the close-up at the bottom and distance at the top – so they have to fit the eye well.
If they are of interest and you are in the Puget Sound area of Washington State, I recommend my optomitrist
Dr. Pamela J. Bingham at
Market Optical in Seattle’s
University Village.
And if you are elsewhere, talk to your eye care professional about
“TruForm” rigid, gas permeable lenses. (I read on the company web site that they even make
multi-focal lenses!)
Serving up and Repacking the D2G. . .Diet to Go:

Three years ago on
TravelnWrite we sang the praises of the
“Glycemic Load Diet” developed by Seattle cardiologist, Dr. Rob Thompson. We bought his book, tried out his eating recommendations and found the recipes were incredible good and it was a perfect fit for travelers.
So easy to follow when traveling that we called it the
D2G; our
Diet to Go. Some may even recall the guest post Dr. Thompson wrote for
TravelnWrite. If you missed it, click this
My physical that year showed not only had I lost weight (13 pounds) but my bad cholesterol levels had dropped significantly, as had blood sugar and everything else that gets monitored - despite four-months of living out of a suitcase; drinking and eating on-the-road. (And I was no longer blaming cruise ship photographers for 'making me look fat!')
Fast forward. . .if you saw the post a few weeks ago,
A Taste of the World, you know without me telling you that we – me, in particular – slipped off that
D2G wagon. A big burger in Arizona, an Australian Pie in Sydney, a basket of bread here and a serving of French fries there and maybe just a tiny bit of dessert. . . The results of an annual physical a few weeks ago showed the bad cholesterol had skyrocketed and a few pounds had returned, despite a regular exercise program both at home and on the road.

So, the new year has begun with
D2G once again, our traveling companion.
Instead of that deep fried bacon cheeseburger I told you about in December, take note of the above veggie burger on a whole grain bun with more veggies at the side and red wine (which is allowed on the D2G). I had this at one of our favorite places,
Todd English’s P.U.B. at
Crystals in
City Center, Las Vegas last week.
That’s it for this week’s
Travel Tuesday – the day we share any new tips related to travel. How about you? What new discoveries have you made for travel. . . Health and fitness? Packing? . . .Ways to save money on travel? Let us know in the comment section below or send us an email.
Disclosure: We received no compensation for recommending the contact lenses, Dr. Bingham, Market Optical or the 'Glycemic Load Diet'. (Although if you order the book from Amazon using the link in the post, we make a few pennies; we'll get paid when we have $10 worth of pennies, about 2050 by my calculations.) We simply think all are worth recommending!
Linking up with Marcia Mayne's Inside Journeys Foodie Tuesday.