
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Scottsdale: Where Murder, Mykonos and Mission Meet

We met – I think – on Twitter. . . perhaps two years ago. . .

Since then, thanks to Twitter, Facebook, blogs and email  we’ve become what might be described as modern day pen pals.

The Scout and I have also  become hooked on the murder mysteries, set in Greece, written by our far-away friend.

Arizona Spring 2012 131So, learning that author Jeffrey Siger had a stop in Seattle on his fall book tour was pure delight – until we realized that we would be in Arizona.

The travel gods were smiling on us though, as Jeff  is appearing this week at Poisoned Pen Books, in Scottsdale and had a bit of free time today. . .

Enough time for the three of us to meet and enjoy a long lunch in the heart of historic, artsy Old Scottsdale.  Upon meeting, we agreed it seems somehow as though we’ve known each other for some time.

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Jeffrey Siger and the TravelnWrite team

We share a love of Greece; he divides his time between Mykonos and the United States. He gave up a law practice to follow his dream of writing novels much as we quit the 8 – 5 work world to pursue our adventures.

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We lunched at the Mission Restaurant (it’s next door to a Mission built in the 1930’s) and is a place you need to add to your bucket list if you’ve not dined here yet.  We will definitely be returning!

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Guacamole made tableside, Mission margarita and Torta

I sipped my Mission Margarita while watching our guacamole being made table side. Then it was difficult at best to choose from main courses that included pozole, tortas, tortillas, ensaladas, sopas.  We didn’t dare even peek at the dessert menu!

If You Go:

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Scottsdale/Phoenix area: Jeff is appearing at Poisoned Pen Books, 4014 N. Goldwater Blvd. #101, 888-560-9919, www.Poisened,  Wednesday, Nov. 13,  at 7 p.m.
Seattle:  Jeff will be at Seattle Mystery Book Shop, 117 Cherry St., 206-587-5737,can meet him from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 15.
Check his website for a full schedule of appearances.

Jeff also contributes to a blog called Murder is Everywhere. A most interesting read.

Mission Restaurant, 3815 N. Brown Ave., Scottsdale, 480-636-5005

That's it for today, Hope to see you back again on Travel Photo Thursday. We are linking up today with Marcia Mayne’s Foodie Tuesday at Inside Journeys.


  1. Hello Jackie and Joel,
    How fabulous you had the opportunity to meet Jeff in person. There is such comfort in meeting a fellow blogger. I have met but one thus far but hope to meet several, including your good selves one day soon.
    Enjoy Scottsdale.


    I shall note Murder is Everywhere as a gift

    1. Oh yes, Helen, it would be such fun to finally meet face-to-face. I've now met two and talked with another on the telephone; I am amazed at the bonds we share before even opening our mouths! Thanks much for visiting and taking time to comment.

  2. Aww, it's wonderful when things come together so you could meet your friend and share such a delicious meal and your love of Greece.
    I could do with a glass of that margarita -- one of my favorites -- and some guacamole. Love fresh guacamole.
    Thanks for linking up this week, Jackie!

    1. Thanks for hosting Foodie Tuesday, Marcia. It is making me think more of the food I eat (and I do eat plenty!) on our travels! One of these days hope you and I are sipping margaritas and sharing guacamole!

  3. Very cool that you ended up meeting this fellow. So I should add this spot to my wish list when I visit Scottsdale in December?? And have you read the book?

    1. Definitely put this place on your list! (And give yourself an extra hour or two to visit the art galleries that line nearby Main St.) Yes, we've read all five of Jeff's books - liked them so well that we pre-ordered the last one shown in the photo - and can hardly wait for the next one to appear.

  4. So wonderful when a friendship can be built through social networks.For me it's so beautifully surprisingl when "strangers" talk about Greece with love and swetness.
    Big hugs from me and I thank you for your kind comments on my blog!

    1. Kalimera Olympia! I look forward to the day that you and I meet and talk about our love of Greece!! Thank you for taking the time to visit and comment today~
      Hugs to you,

  5. How wonderful that the three of you were able to get together for a visit, Jackie! I enjoy stories of friendships made online that come to fruition for a face to face meeting. No kidding on having difficulty choosing from the menu. I would want a sampler plate :)

  6. I wish they had had a sample plate, Mike. As it was we split the remaining half of my sandwich as a 'leftover' at dinner. Hey, one of these days I suspect we three (make that four. . .with that furry bundled of love of yours) will meet!!!

  7. This blog shows how Social media help to people of different countries to meet and they share knowledge about travel with each other. I am also great fan of his books and spend most of time in traveling outside country.Greece is one of my favorite place where i always stay in villas and enjoy reading travel books.

  8. It's always great to meet people we've communicated with online in person. It was a wonderful experience at TBEX last June. I'm glad fate intervened and you got to meet up. I was in Scottsdale last April and would have loved this place. I will need to check out Jeff's book and site now.


We have been having problems in recent weeks with our comment section and I am not quite sure how to fix it. Thanks for letting us know. Some comments have been coming in as emails, so I will respond to those as I get them.