
Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Meanderings: La Dolce Vita in Venice

An early morning shopping trip to the famed Rialto Market where we’ll stock up on fresh fruit and vegetables from the stalls of long-time vendors, then we’ll laze away the morning sipping cappuccino at one of its many cafes while ‘people watching’ . . .

In the evening we’ll stroll along the Zattere, the large concrete promenade that runs the length of the southern shore of Venice’s Dorsoduro District. It was originally built in 1519 to be a landing dock for the delivery of timber to build ships and buildings.  Zattere, Italian for raft.

We’ll be acting just like the locals with our shopping and strolling because for six nights we’ll be ‘living’ in Venice in an apartment we rented a month  ago as we planned how to fill the week following our cruise from Rome to Venice. The apartment is in the area of the red pin on the map.

We’ve found that one way to save travel dollars is to avoid the more costly hotel rooms – and Venice certainly has plenty of those.   So, after having enjoyed the apartment we rented in Madrid last year, we decided to try our luck with apartment living in Italy. (Maybe it is our way of working up to a longer stay somewhere, sometime. . .)

In addition to saving money on the accommodations, we’ll also eat a couple meals a day at home and not rely on the local bar for all our Happy Hours.

Of course renting travel accommodations based on books, photos, traveler’s recommendations and advertisements is always a giant leap of faith.   Joel, “The Scout” began researching our options several months ago.  When we found this apartment on Vacation Rental by Owner we were on our way to . . .

. . .La dolce vita; the sweet life, in Italian.

Have you any tips for us?  Have you rented an apartment? If so, what was your experience?  Add a comment below or send an email to us at  And if this is your first visit, hope to see you back on Thursday when we look at the Joy of Travel.


  1. Sounds like a dream! Venice is beautiful, and being able to live like a local in an apartment must be a treat! Enjoy la dolce vita!

    1. Zoe! We've been lucky enough to visit Venice before and have been been envious of those who live there, so it will be a real treat to 'play house' there. Thanks for visiting, please continue to comment!

  2. Oh my goodness, it is going to be wonderful! Can you believe I have never been to Venice. I fear I wouldn't want to come back!! I will really look forward to discovering it through your eyes.

    And I often recommend for friends to rent here in France--it changes everything! You live your own experience instead of what the hotel demands. Not to mention you live like a local--yes and save money to boot! Home Away is another great site to take a look at.

    1. Okay, just the thought of playing house in Provence makes me smile. . .and you've certainly planted an idea for the next 'apartment getaway' we pursue. And thanks for mentioning Home Away.

  3. I haven't been to Venice for 30 years, but I do have fond memories of being there. I almost always rent a small apartment when I'm in Chiang Mai. It is so much cheaper than a guest house or hotel. Lately, I have been using AirBnB. I should write a post on that. The concept is good, but sometimes the accommodation is not as nice as described. Of course, that's no different from hotels that post beautiful photos, and you arrive to find a property that doesn't even look faintly like the photos you saw online.

    Enjoy Venice!!

    1. I'd love to read a post by you on Air BnB. I've heard mixed, but generally positive reviews from friends about their experiences. I still have this image of sleeping on some strangers hide-a-bed couch and need to get over that before booking a stay with them. . .maybe your post could clarify what it is like.

  4. Apartment living is so much fun. Just having a reason to buy at the markets is great. We recently joined friends in an apartment in Paris for a week which was just around the corner from the Rue Montergueil markets and kept popping up the street to buy something all the time! Have a great holiday!

  5. We would love to 'do Paris' by apartment. I'll have to get in touch with you for recommendations when we do decide that is our destination. Thanks for tipping us off to the Rue Monterguell markets.

  6. Even if the apartment is horrible, actually living in Venice and being able to explore in the evening and at night, when the day trippers are gone, will be wonderful. We spent four days there in a crappy hotel room and I didn't ever want to leave. Enjoy!

    1. I understand that desire 'to never want to leave' and I suspect as you've aptly noted the apartment could be horrible and I'd still be in love with Venice!

  7. I love Venice and la dolce vita! but I prefer hotels or b&b than apartment!

    1. Well I've stayed in hotels there so guess it is time to push myself out of my comfort zone and try an apartment. Time will tell if we've made the right decision. Thanks for commenting Sara.


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