
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Walk in the Woods ~ Near the Sea

“Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp drizzly November in my soul. . .then I account it high time to get to the sea as soon as I can.”                  
-- Ishmael, in Moby Dick

Finding ourselves in that state of mind, we headed to the sea – and the woods one morning on Washington State's  Copalis Beach. . .

Iron Springs Alderbrook 2012 048

At low tide we walked to the water’s edge on hard-packed sand that  glistened like an ice skating rink.

Iron Springs Alderbrook 2012 046

A twisted and coiled a piece of seaweed  -- or was it a sea demon ready to strike?

Iron Springs Alderbrook 2012 064

The sea had turned this driftwood into a sea sculpture. . .

Iron Springs Alderbrook 2012 061

A beach deserted but for a lone sea gull; Copalis Rock in the distance.

Iron Springs Alderbrook 2012 068

Our path to the beach led us through a coastal forest where trees wore coats of moss.

Iron Springs Alderbrook 2012 036

Then back to the comfort of our cabin to reflect on the wonders that surrounded us. . .

Iron Springs Alderbrook 2012 018

Ever taken a walk in the woods. . .by the sea? What treasures did you discover? 

These photos were taken while we were guests of Iron Springs Resort overlooking  Copalis Beach.  For more Travel Photo Thursday photos click the link to Budget Travelers Sandbox.


  1. What a beautiful beach, Jackie and some great finds.
    I like to walk deserted beaches and listen to the waves crashing to shore.

    1. You would love the waves at Copalis Beach - they are mesmerizing.

  2. It's such a gorgeous beach! I love it! It seems to be in a fairy place!

  3. Copalis Beach sounds like a wondeful place! The pic of the rock in the distance is my favorite.

  4. Lovely to have the beach to yourself - great photos!

  5. There's something very soothing about taking a walk by the sea; interesting how it's always easy to put life in perspective when you're out in nature. It looks like a great place to wander.

  6. Takes me back to my days as a kid growing up in Western Washington.

  7. Cool post and pics. Some people may not get this, but I've got a piece of driftwood from a beach on the Sonoma coast that I found when I was 9 yrs old -- that's a LONG time ago. It looked like an old-fashioned button up high heeled boot. :)

  8. A lovey series of images! A walk along the seashore is always high up on my list... if I can get to a seashore these days, that is!

  9. Thanks everyone for stopping by the beach this week. I've been at a conference so time was a bit limited and I didn't get a chance to reply to each of you, but I do appreciate the comments!


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