
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year! Happy Travels!

Media headlines have been noting the Mayan calendar's ‘end of the world’ prediction for December, 2012. To our way of thinking it’s as a good a reason as any to travel more this year!
France Vegas Mike G. 2009 050After all, we have a lot of places yet to see on this big old world before it - or we - cease to exist. 

Our bucket list – the one where we note new places to see, things to do, and favorite places that call out for a  return  visit – just seems to get longer each year.

We’ve already put Asia, Australia and Bali on the fall destination list. We’ve scheduled time in Scottsdale. And this month “Hula Babe and Beach Boy” head back to Hawaii for  more tropical adventures.  In between those planned excursions, we’ll keep our bags at the ready for any other adventures and misadventures that await us. 

What adventures are ahead for you? What’s on your 2012 bucket list?

DSCF2065As one travel year ends and another beckons we thank you for joining us at TravelnWrite and hope you’ll continue traveling with us.
Along with our wishes for a Happy New Year and Happy Travels, I am adding this poem, which I found on the blog* of a fellow traveler:

On an ancient wall in China
Where a brooding Buddha blinks
Deeply graven is the message,
It is later than you think.
The clock of time is wound but once and no
man has the power,
to tell just when the hand will stop
at late or early hour.
Now is all the time you own,
the past a golden link
Go cruising now my brother,
It is later than you think.

Note:  *Raymond’s Man on the Lam blog. Photos: Paris at daybreak and us on Celebrity’s transatlantic cruise.

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