A photo is worth a thousand words, right? So, need I say more? The cats of Greece are known throughout the world . . . calendars feature them, books, tourist items galore. Lefka Apartments has a set of two white/red kitties that are the official cats, but then we have the one pictured here. She just showed up last spring we are told. And she is fed along with the official cats but is still considered the outcast.
We were greeted by this little creature and have now given in to her persistent charms, a tuna can food dish is now a part of our deck and yogurt, tuna, leftovers (and Greek cookies) are all favorites of our new friend. She isn't allowed inside so makes it a point of jumping on my lap while sitting on the deck -- she's an intelligent little beast; she knows an easy mark when she sees one
When I was traveling around Greece some years ago I would judge a place by its cats. If the cats were skittish and wary of humans, I figured that perhaps these were not nice people who lived there and perhaps I ought keep going, but if the cats were relaxed and trusting then perhaps the people there were a kindly sort and might treat me as well as they did their cats.